Sunday, January 27, 2013

Memorizing Bible Verses To Produce a Physiological Response

Hey guys,

I was reminded how important it is to know and be able to recall the Word of God from our lesson by Nicki (the Temptation of Jesus). Jesus was able to resist the devil by quoting Scripture.

I came across this the other day about memorizing poetry, but it can apply to memorizing Scripture as well. Let's take it to heart, ha!

The best argument for verse memorization may be that it provides us with knowledge of a qualitatively and physiologically different variety: you take the poem inside you, into your brain chemistry if not your blood, and you know it at a deeper, bodily level than if you simply read it off a screen [smart phone]. Robson puts the point succinctly: “If we do not learn by heart, the heart does not feel the rhythms of poetry as echoes or variations of its own insistent beat.”

I like these better:

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

(For spiritual protection) - Ephesians 6:17 - Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Let's be like Jesus and memorize Scripture!

Lesson Recap: Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday School – Jan. 13, 2013
Lesson prepared by Nicki! 

With Jesus’ help we can resist temptation.
LUKE 4: 1-13.

1.  Discussion: What is temptation?

a.      Temptation is a state experienced when a person thinks thoughts, considers intentions or desires things, which are contrary to the thoughts, intents and desires of Almighty God. When those thoughts are fulfilled through action, those intentions translated into achievements and those desires satisfied by accomplishment, then sin is committed. Sin unrepented of by the sinner and not forgiven by the Father leads to death. Temptation is a link in the chain of circumstances that leads to death (James 1:14,15).

2.  Activity: What tempts you?

3.  Read LUKE 4: 1-13.
LUKE 4: 1-4. Temptation 1: 
Jesus was walking around the wilderness for 40 days and “He ate nothing during those days, and when they had ended, He became hungry.” (LUKE 4:3)
1.   What did Satan offer Jesus? How great was the value of his offer? Bread
2.   How difficult do you think it was for Jesus to reject his temptation to accept Satan’s offer?
3.   How did Jesus respond to Satan? “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”
4.   Have you experienced a similar temptation?

LUKE 4: 5-8. Temptation 2:
The devil “showed [Jesus] all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.” (LUKE 4:5)
1.   What did Satan offer Jesus? How great was the value of his offer? The world
2.   Under what condition was Satan’s offer? He had to worship Satan.
3.   How did Jesus respond to Satan? “It is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’”
4.   What if Jesus caved?
5.   Have you experienced a similar temptation?

LUKE 4: 9-13. Temptation 3:
Satan “led [Jesus] to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple” (LUKE 4:9)
1.   What did Satan tempt Jesus with? He tried to get Jesus to jump off the temple and call to God to save Him.
2.   How would this opportunity benefit Jesus?
3.   How did Jesus respond to Satan? “It is said, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”
4.   What if Jesus caved?
5.   Have you experienced a similar temptation?
6.   What does it mean that “When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time”? The devil is always waiting for an opening to tempt you. Especially when you’re weak and vulnerable, he’ll come and try to tempt you. When the opportunity seems fit.
7.   Did you notice how Satan tried to use God’s word against Jesus? Didn’t work!

4.  Application: Deal with it!
How can we deal with the temptations we are faced with?

5.  Key Verse:
Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted” (HEBREWS 2:18).

Gray areas – issues that are not clearly black or white, right or wrong. Television, alcohol, clothing styles-how do you know what to do in these areas?

There are 2 extremes to avoid. The first one is license- that’s the party-on attitude that says, “Hey, if it’s not illegal, it’s fine.” Christians get into all kinds of trouble if their standards aren’t higher than this.

The other extreme is just as dangerous. It’s called legalism, which is thinking that you have to obey a huge list of do’s and don’ts in order to be close to God.

Between these 2 extremes is real liberty,  the ability to enjoy what’s good in life while avoiding what’s bad. Ask yourself:
1.    Will it please God? Avoid anything that God will eventually judge and destroy.
2.    Will it help me? Think about whether the activity is beneficial for your heath and spiritual growth.
3.    Could it enslave me? If the activity is tempting, addiction or really time-consuming, watch out.
4.    Will it hurt something else? How would it feel to be in their shoes?

What are the biggest gray areas you have to deal with (activities that the Bible doesn’t specifically say are right or wrong)?  

God is Love. Christ Jesus is Grace.

Hey guys,

Just want to touch upon our lesson of Grace. Reminder: Grace is getting what you do not deserve. Mercy = not getting what you do deserve.

Our Pastor always ends church with this benediction:

May the Love of God, (God is Love - John 3:16)
Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, (Grace of Jesus Christ - Ephesians 2:8)
and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you. (Holy Spirit first given at Pentecost - Acts 2, but given to us today once we accept Christ as Savior).

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lesson Recap: Sunday, January 6, 2013

John 1:1-18
The Word Became Flesh

Main Concepts:
Part 1: Reference to Genesis (vv. 1-5)
In our Bible Study we learned that Jesus was with God in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth (v. 1, Genesis 1:1). Jesus is referred to as the Word (v. 1) and as God (v. 1b) which clearly means that Jesus is part of the trinity (Genesis 1:26). Jesus came to give life to men and to save mankind from death. The imagery is clear: light = life, and darkness = death. Jesus came to save us, and it’s up for us to believe in Him, the true light (v.9) or stay in darkness and die.
Part 2: John the Baptist (vv. 6-9)
            Next we talked about John. John the Baptist was a witness that was called to testify to others about Jesus (v. 7). John testifies that through Jesus all men will be saved (v. 7b). We don't have to obey the laws of Moses because we have the grace of Jesus (v. 17). The Gospel states that if we acknowledge that we are sinners that deserve death, but believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior, then we will be saved. 

Part 3: Jesus Christ (vv. 10-18)
It says in v. 11 – He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. We compared this to if you were the founder of a club and chose all the club members, but the members instead of embracing you rejected and ridiculed you. How would this make you feel?  Well what Jesus did was amazing! He is God incarnate (v. 1), and left the comforts of heaven to go to earth so that He would purposely be beaten up, ridiculed, and even die for all those members on earth who live in darkness. There is no greater love than that (John 15:13).
Finally, there was a comment on the One and Only. This is mentioned twice (v. 14b and v. 18) and refers to Jesus as God’s only son. Also don't forget what the title Christ means in v. 17. John clearly states that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah whom the Jews were waiting for to save them. However we learned in this passage that the Word (Christ) came into this world as flesh (v. 14) to save ALL men if they would believe in Him. 

Key Definitions we went over:
Mercy – not getting what you do deserve
Grace – getting what you do not deserve

1.  What does it mean to be a children of God if we accept Jesus in our hearts? Is being a child of God more significant than being a friend of God? How?

2. What responsibility do all Christians bear like John the Baptist regarding this light/Good News/Gospel? (v. 7, Mathew 28:18-20)

Quiz Time!
1. Which of these is an example of Mercy?
a. I borrowed $100 to buy a new Active sweater, and I will have to pay the bank back $120 because of interest.
b. I broke my friend’s white 32 GB iPad and have to buy them a new one.
c. I borrowed my parent’s car and crashed it while fooling around. They have taken my license away and grounded me for the rest of my life.
d. I did extremely bad on the Final Exam and even though I didn’t get enough points to pass the class, the professor decided to pass me anyways.

2. Which of these is an example of Grace?
a. I just turned 16 and my parents bought me a Ferrari!
b. I got straight A’s last semester because I studied a lot.
c. I played Starcraft 2 last night instead of studying for today’s exam and as a result got a bad grade on it.
d. I just turned 16, therefore I have the right to get a license and drive a car

3. What is the Gospel?
a. Only really, really ridiculously good-looking people go to heaven
b. You will go to heaven if you do good works.
c. You will go to heaven if you are a good person.
d. Christ came to die for aLL sinners, and if you believe in Christ you will be saved.

4. Who is ‘John’, whom the author of John refers to in Ch. 1?
a. He is referring to himself.
b. John Smith conquering the new world in Pocahontas
c. Jesus’ earthly second cousin.
d. That old guy from the most interesting man in the world commercials

5. What does it mean in v. 15 when it says, “he who came after me has come before me?”
a. That is not humanely possible. You’re contradicting yourself.
b. Jesus Christ was born in flesh after John the Baptist, but existed as God since the beginning
c. It means that the Christ has not yet come into the world yet.
d. It’s like Inception, man. It’s a dream within a dream within a dream. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2012 Was a Year I Used To Know...

              Wow! What a year 2012 was! Do you guys remember when Linsanity swept the NBA and the world was transfixed with Jeremy Lin? Or when Michael Phelps became the Greatest Olympian Ever during the summer London Olympics? Can you still taste the Hunger Games or did The Avengers smash it from your taste buds?

Those events seem SO long ago...
Amazingly, it’s been only nearly a year since the Youth Group kicked off during a Super Bowl party at Anh Ai and Chi Nga’s house in February. There we huddled together, elected our captains/officers, and came up with a game plan for the year. Our team goal was to have monthly Youth Group meetings about teenage issues such as Christian Dating and Peer Pressure. Overall, we had an 80% completion rate.
I want to thank all the parents who helped with the Youth Group this year! Without your unending support: the countless hours driving, opening up your homes to host, and providing yummy abundant meals, our year wouldn’t have been a success. You are our biggest fans! 
2012 North Hollywood Youth Group Monthly Meeting Summary
February – Super Bowl YG Kickoff Party!
March – Josiah and Gabe teaching us about Peer Pressure
April – Eric teaching us about Christian Dating
May – Paul teaching us about Justification vs. Sanctification
June – Chris teaching about Christ-Centered Fellowship
July – VBS Beyond the Gold, BBQ Prep Meeting, BBQ Fundraiser & Talent Show allowed the Youth Group to serve the church and raise ~$750, Pep Rally for Sports Fest, Sports Festival in Long Beach
August – Cancelled Irvine Park meet up
September – Labor Day Family Camp, End-of-Summer Pool Party, Nikki teaching us about Identity 
October – Hiking Trip, Joy teaching us about Fears
November – Cancelled Bowling Activity
December – Youth Group Christmas Party, Reflections on the past year, and Chris teaching us about The Christ