Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lesson Recap: Sunday, January 6, 2013

John 1:1-18
The Word Became Flesh

Main Concepts:
Part 1: Reference to Genesis (vv. 1-5)
In our Bible Study we learned that Jesus was with God in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth (v. 1, Genesis 1:1). Jesus is referred to as the Word (v. 1) and as God (v. 1b) which clearly means that Jesus is part of the trinity (Genesis 1:26). Jesus came to give life to men and to save mankind from death. The imagery is clear: light = life, and darkness = death. Jesus came to save us, and it’s up for us to believe in Him, the true light (v.9) or stay in darkness and die.
Part 2: John the Baptist (vv. 6-9)
            Next we talked about John. John the Baptist was a witness that was called to testify to others about Jesus (v. 7). John testifies that through Jesus all men will be saved (v. 7b). We don't have to obey the laws of Moses because we have the grace of Jesus (v. 17). The Gospel states that if we acknowledge that we are sinners that deserve death, but believe that Jesus is Lord and Savior, then we will be saved. 

Part 3: Jesus Christ (vv. 10-18)
It says in v. 11 – He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. We compared this to if you were the founder of a club and chose all the club members, but the members instead of embracing you rejected and ridiculed you. How would this make you feel?  Well what Jesus did was amazing! He is God incarnate (v. 1), and left the comforts of heaven to go to earth so that He would purposely be beaten up, ridiculed, and even die for all those members on earth who live in darkness. There is no greater love than that (John 15:13).
Finally, there was a comment on the One and Only. This is mentioned twice (v. 14b and v. 18) and refers to Jesus as God’s only son. Also don't forget what the title Christ means in v. 17. John clearly states that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah whom the Jews were waiting for to save them. However we learned in this passage that the Word (Christ) came into this world as flesh (v. 14) to save ALL men if they would believe in Him. 

Key Definitions we went over:
Mercy – not getting what you do deserve
Grace – getting what you do not deserve

1.  What does it mean to be a children of God if we accept Jesus in our hearts? Is being a child of God more significant than being a friend of God? How?

2. What responsibility do all Christians bear like John the Baptist regarding this light/Good News/Gospel? (v. 7, Mathew 28:18-20)

Quiz Time!
1. Which of these is an example of Mercy?
a. I borrowed $100 to buy a new Active sweater, and I will have to pay the bank back $120 because of interest.
b. I broke my friend’s white 32 GB iPad and have to buy them a new one.
c. I borrowed my parent’s car and crashed it while fooling around. They have taken my license away and grounded me for the rest of my life.
d. I did extremely bad on the Final Exam and even though I didn’t get enough points to pass the class, the professor decided to pass me anyways.

2. Which of these is an example of Grace?
a. I just turned 16 and my parents bought me a Ferrari!
b. I got straight A’s last semester because I studied a lot.
c. I played Starcraft 2 last night instead of studying for today’s exam and as a result got a bad grade on it.
d. I just turned 16, therefore I have the right to get a license and drive a car

3. What is the Gospel?
a. Only really, really ridiculously good-looking people go to heaven
b. You will go to heaven if you do good works.
c. You will go to heaven if you are a good person.
d. Christ came to die for aLL sinners, and if you believe in Christ you will be saved.

4. Who is ‘John’, whom the author of John refers to in Ch. 1?
a. He is referring to himself.
b. John Smith conquering the new world in Pocahontas
c. Jesus’ earthly second cousin.
d. That old guy from the most interesting man in the world commercials

5. What does it mean in v. 15 when it says, “he who came after me has come before me?”
a. That is not humanely possible. You’re contradicting yourself.
b. Jesus Christ was born in flesh after John the Baptist, but existed as God since the beginning
c. It means that the Christ has not yet come into the world yet.
d. It’s like Inception, man. It’s a dream within a dream within a dream. 

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